OK, I finally have tomcat starting without any errors.  But I still have one 
jsp that barfs.  From catalina.out:

%%%% FILE = /var/jakarta/tomcat/app1.properties
Setting up Properties 0A
Setting up Properties 0B
Setting up Properties 1
Setting up Properties 2
Setting up Properties 3
Setting up Properties 4
The user type ---> R
*******  ******* /var/jakarta/tomcat System.getProperty('catalina.home')
Client Id ---> 23462
Query to be executed to get the URL ---> SELECT web.url FROM webinterface web, 
webclientinterface interface WHERE web.interfaceid = interface.interfaceid 
AND interface.cltid = 23462
URL to be redirected ---> dpsi-corp.com
 select cltid, custname, altcltcd , level  from clientcustmas  where 
activeflag = 'Y'  start with cltid = 23462 connect by prior cltid = pcltid 
order by altcltcd 09072002
&&&& 0  select header, companylogo, companyname, siteName, contactphone, 
contactemail  from   webprivatelabelinfo  where sitename = 
Jun 24, 2003 4:19:46 PM org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler action

app1.properties tells JDBC were to find the oracle database.

Any ideas where to start looking?

The System:
  Redhat 7.2
  Apache 1.3.22
  Tomcat 4.1.24

Stephen Carville
UNIX and Network Administrator
DPSI (formerly Ace USA Flood Services)

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