Hi all, 

I use the catalina anttasks to deploy my webapp like this:
  <target name="deploy" depends="build">
    <delete file="${demo.name}.war"/>
    <war destfile="${demo.name}.war" webxml="web.xml">
      <classes dir="../build"/>
      <lib dir="../lib"/>
      <fileset dir="../web"/>
    <deploy url="http://${host}/manager"; 

 <target name="remove" depends="build">
    <remove url="http://${host}/manager"; username="${tomcat.admin}"
password="${tomcat.password}" path="/${demo.name}"/>

However when after I call "ant remove" the server.xml still contains a
context for the deployed webapp. After I restart the tomcat server this
context fails to start because the docbase is gone. 
Can someone tell me why the remove task doesn't also remove the context?
I tried the undeploy but that doesn't work at all because it says it can
remove the document base for my webapp.

Thanks and regards,


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