send complete info, configurations and complete logs.
I'm going on my honey moon, be back in three weeks.

have fun!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Das, Sanjeev [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 2:11 PM
> Subject: problem with clustering using Tomcat 4.1
> Hello Filip,
> I have been trying to use your session replication libs in tomcat 
> 4.1 and have run into problems. I was wondering if you could help 
> me out here. I am trying the replication with a simple jsp page 
> on a one box setup with two instances of tomcat running.
> The jsp page simply prints out the session id and the cookies it 
> has received. Here is the text of the JSP page:
> <%@ page import="javax.servlet.http.*" %>
> <HTML>
> <BODY>
> Server: ONE
> <p/>
> <%
> if (request.getSession().isNew())
> {
> %>
> This is a new session.
> <%
> }
> else
> {
> %>
> This is an old session.
> <%
> }
> %>
> <p/>
> The session id : <%=request.getSession().getId()%>
> <b>Cookies:</b><br/>
> <%
> Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
> if (cookies != null)
> {
>       for (int i=0; i < cookies.length; i++)
>       {
>       %>
>       <b>Domain:</b><br/>
>       <%=cookies[i].getDomain()%><br/>
>       <b>Name:</b><br/>
>       <%=cookies[i].getName()%><br/>
>       <b>Value:</b><br/>
>       <%=cookies[i].getValue()%><br/>
>       <b>Path:</b><br/>
>       <%=cookies[i].getPath()%><br/>
>       <b>MaxAge:</b><br/>
>       <%=cookies[i].getMaxAge()%><br/>
>       <%
>       }
> }
> %>
> </BODY>
> </HTML>
> The pages in the two instances are exactly the same except that 
> one says SERVER ONE and the other SERVER TWO so that I can 
> distinguish between the two. I believe I have setup the Context 
> properly for both the instances. 
> I am using Apache to do the round robin scheduling using mod_jk.
> When I hit the page and look at the message in the two tomcat 
> consoles I get the following:
> first console:
> [InMemoryReplicationManager] Replicated Session created at 
> org.apache.catalina.c
> luster.mcast.McastMember[tcp://,,4001
> ] with ID=6B5C
> F3C232D4D8636D14586083E0B094
> [InMemoryReplicationManager] writeObject() storing session 
> 6B5CF3C232D4D8636D145
> 86083E0B094
> [InMemoryReplicationManager] Replication Statistics
>         Messages sent=2
>         Message serialization time=31
>         Average serialization time=15.5ms
>         Average session send  size=805.0
>         Messages received=0
>         Message deserialization time=0
>         Average deserialization time=NaNms
>         Average message  delay  time=NaNms
> second console:
> [InMemoryReplicationManager] 
> InMemoryReplicationManager.messageDataReceived(): r
> eceived message
> [InMemoryReplicationManager] Received SessionMessage of 
> [InMemoryReplicationManager] Replicated session received 
> ID=6B5CF3C232D4D8636D14
> 586083E0B094
> [InMemoryReplicationManager] readObject() loading session 
> 6B5CF3C232D4D8636D1458
> 6083E0B094
> [InMemoryReplicationManager] Replicated session 
> received=ReplicatedSession id=6B
> 5CF3C232D4D8636D14586083E0B094 
> ref=StandardSession[6B5CF3C232D4D8636D14586083E0B
> 094]
>         LastAccess=1056747084419
> [InMemoryReplicationManager] Replication Statistics
>         Messages sent=1
>         Message serialization time=16
>         Average serialization time=16.0ms
>         Average session send  size=491.0
>         Messages received=2
>         Message deserialization time=46
>         Average deserialization time=23.0ms
>         Average message  delay  time=15.5ms
> It seems like the first box created the session and it was 
> replicated properly in the second box.
> Now when I reload the page and the request goes to the second box 
> I would expect the same session id to be printed out. Instead I 
> get the following output from the jsp page:
> Server: TWO 
> This is a new session. 
> The session id : E086477BF76F98820020F3FA7048C5E8 Cookies:
> Domain:
> null
> Name:
> Value:
> 6B5CF3C232D4D8636D14586083E0B094
> Path:
> null
> MaxAge:
> -1
> The second server did receive the right JSESSIONID 
> (6B5CF3C232D4D8636D14586083E0B094) but decided to create a new 
> session instead of the replicated one.
> Do you have any ideas as to why this occur?
> thanks
> Sanjeev
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