Add "forwardAll=false" to your ApacheConfig Listener entity in your Host container in server.xml.


On 02 Jul 2003 13:55:48 +0530, Damnish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello I am using linux9.0 and jdk1.4.
I have installed tomcat4.1.24 and Apche2.0,
I successfully connected them using mod_jk.
I added a listener object in server.xml for communication between these

<Listener className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig"
modJk="/etc/httpd/modules/" jkDebug="info"
This generate  modjk.conf file in catalina_home/conf/auto/
Which is included in httpd.conf

It is working fine but not in desired way.
What it do it add all the context define in server.xml to mod_jk.conf
and all request coming for this context are forwarded to tomcat.
Suppose I have my webapp having context webapp1 which has
JSP,Images,html pages.
So it add a line in mod_jk.conf
"/webapp1/* tomcat"
and this redirect all request coming to apache to tomcat.
And all content is served by tomcat including html/images(static
If i create a Alias in httpd.conf for the same app to serve static
content by apache and dynamic by tomcat, I added a Alias line in
http.conf and changed mod_jk.conf >>
I replaced old line with this "/webapp1/*.jsp tomcat,
As far as my understanding only jsp request should get forwarded to
tomcat and static content should come from Alias defined.
I configured this in Apche1.3.* and it was working in desired way.
But this is not working in this format.
In above case(with Alias) request is not getting forwarded to
It print full jsp as text file in browser.
Am I doing anything wrong.
ANy help in this regard will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


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