I'm helping somebody with a Tomcat installation that is being quite stubborn about working. He currently has Apache 1.3.20 acting as a proxy for Tomcat 4.1.24 on a Linux server. I've set up a trivial web app for Tomcat that consists of just a single html page. When I try to load the page I get a "404 - resource not available" page from Tomcat. I can tell from the logs that Tomcat is finding and loading my web app (its find the app specific web.xml), and matching the context path for the request. But then it can't find the html file, despite having found the web app previously. So it can find the file mytest/WEB-INF/web.xml when the server starts, but not mytest/index.html when a request comes in. The only things I can come up with are that filesystem permissions aren't set right (although I did chmod +rx for all the files in the web app), or that he shouldn't be using Tomcat 4.x with Apache 1.x. Anyone else have any ideas?

Mitch Ratisher
Silicon Valley Resident

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