
I thought I'd try a few things, to try and get my application to make use of 

I'm running IBM java131 and Tomcat 3.3.1

I've got a fairly extensive webapp written and running.  Moved it to a RedHat 9 Linux 
server without any changes (cool!).

I'm now trying to add some new function to the app--specifically email support.  

I wrote a standalone java class with successfully sends notes thru my ISPs mailserver.

I stick (essentially) the same code into a servlet in my webapp and I get these 
horrible errors (mostly NoClassDefFound...)

The problem seems to revolve around j2ee.jar (which contains the javax.mail.* stuff).  
If I understand the NoClassDefFound errors, some class referenced by my app is being 
found in another form (older? just different somehow.  Usually caused by have two 
copies of a .jar file in the Tomcat configuration).

Is it possible that javax.mail.Address (to pick a specific class for an example) 
resides in j2ee.jar and in some Tomcat 3.3.1 jar somewhere, and that the differences 
are between the class referenced in the compile and the class found at runtime differ 
and cause this problem?

Just for grins, I copied the j2ee.jar to java131\jre\lib\ext.  Tomcat died during the 
startup attempt.  Removed from ext, copied into usr\local\jakarta-tomcat-3.1.1\lib\app 
(the readme says will not interfere with container.  This time, the container started, 
but the first reference to my servlet causes:

Location: /daysails/jsp/SMElogon.jsp
Internal Servlet Error:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile 
E:\usr\local\jakarta-tomcat-3.3.1\work\DEFAULT\daysails\jsp\ No 
method matching flushBuffer() found in class org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspWriterImpl.
1 error at org.apache.tomcat.facade.JasperLiaison.javac(
at org.apache.tomcat.facade.JasperLiaison.processJspFile(
at org.apache.tomcat.facade.JspInterceptor.requestMap(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.processRequest(
at SME.SMEcontrol.doPost(SMEcontrol.nrx:317)

I did find a statement in the jGuru faq to the effect that:

The J2EE reference implementation ships with Tomcat. The classes for Tomcat are 
inside the \lib\j2ee.jar. If you wanted to use the latest version of Tomcat you would  
have to replace the classes in this archive.  

But I can't find a j2ee.jar within the Tomcat install structure.  Are the j2ee classes 
stored inside some other jarfile?  I'd gladly compile with those classes if I can find 

Can anyone help?


Terry Fuller

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