From the doc: "The docBase attribute of this <Context> element will
typically be the absolute pathname to a web applicationd directory, or the absolute pathname of a web application archive (WAR) file (which will not be expanded)."

With an absolute docBase, your WAR file can go doesn't have to go in webapps.


On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 13:59:24 -0600, Aaron Longwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

OK, Tried again, and this time the file was not deleted.... not sure what happened last time. But now I'm getting the WAR autoDeployed according to both the context XML file AND as a war file to a directory with the same name as the WAR file. In other words, my webapp is now accessible via 2 contexts, no big deal, but I'd prefer to have only the root context.

Also, let me explain a little better.

I am reading this section in the Docs: doc/config/host.html#Automatic%20Application%20Deployment

And it indicates I can autoDeploy by creating a file *.xml with a <Context> tag inside. This will act as if that context was entered in my server.xml. This enables me to control where my WAR will be deployed via a file external to server.xml. This is exactly what I want.

The second autoDeploy takes each *.war file and deploys it to a webapp named the same as the war file. For example, my SoiledDove.war gets deployed to a /SoiledDove webapp.

Because my context XML file deploys to path="" (the ROOT context in other words), AND my SoiledDove.war file is in the webapps directory... I am getting double auto-deployment.

How can I control which autoDeployment methods are enabled for a particular WAR?


Aaron Longwell wrote:

I'm deploying a WAR file to the root context (path=""). I've created the appropriate context XML file in the webapps dir and pointed it to a WAR (which I do NOT want to be expanded). It's working great... except for one thing:

Tomcat is deleting the context XML file.... so that when I stop and restart the server, my WAR file is re-deployed at /WARFileName instead of /

Why does tomcat delete this XML file for my webapp but not for Admin or Manager webapps? Am I doing this incorrectly?


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