I'm running Tomcat 4.1.24 with Apache 2.0.46 using JK2 2.0.2 on a Red Hat 9
system (kernel 2.4.20). I followed the last HOWTO on the JK docs page
<http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-4.1-doc/jk2/jk2/vhosthowto.html> )
and everything works great. Except it only specifies how to have *.jsp files
sent to tomcat. None of my servlets work because JK2 is setup to only send
requests ending in *.jsp to Tomcat. Here's what I have in








My servlets all start at /action. If I change the uri path to /action/* then
I loose JPSs. If I change it to * then it works, however, then tomcat is
serving up my /images/* folder instead of Apache. I can't move all the JSPs
under the /action directory. Is there any way to specify more than one uri
per virtual host? 


The documentation for JK is really bad. Someone should re-write it.


Joe Krause


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