At 01:46 PM 7/18/2003, you wrote:
"...An appropriate token placed in the web
application deployment descriptor may also be used to automatically insert
the generated servlet declarations and mappings using Ant filtering
capabilities. This is actually how all the webapps distributed with Tomcat
are automatically compiled as part of the build process."

This is the part that is very unclear.  Please explain the use of the
webXmlFragment and how it can be used to place the mappings into a web.xml.

See Ant's Filter task documentation. Basically, you take your web.xml as you have it (without any of the precompiled jsp information) and add a token like "@jspServletXml" where you want the fragment placed at. Then define a <filter> in your build xml (using "jspServletXml" and "webXmlFragment") and copy your existing web.xml to a new location (with filtering=true) -- this replaces "@jspServletXml" with jasper2's generated xml.

Disclaimer: I don't use this method because the Ant tasks don't do what I need it to do (I need to support builds with precompile for multiple appservers). Instead, I manually enter all information for our precompiled jsps in the web.xml and use a different script for running jspc.


Justin Ruthenbeck
Software Engineer, NextEngine Inc.
justinr - AT - nextengine DOT com

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