I have just loaded 4.1.24 and want to do as much as I can thru the admin and
manager functions without hand crafting the server.xml file.

Now this may not be possible but here goes:-

Previously I put the connection pooling entries in the server.xml file like

<Context docBase="adultcf" path="/adultcf" reloadable="true"
<Resource auth="Container" name="jdbc/adultcfDB"
<ResourceParams name="jdbc/adultcfDB">

And the following in my app web XML

<description>DB Connection</description>

Now I've added the data source via the admin console - I get the following

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC
driver class 'null'

What am I missing?

Thanks in advance.

Kevin Passey 

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