In, change to the IP address of the server where Tomcat is installed.


v.siguier wrote:
Thank you very much for your help !
Your document should be in Jakarta-Apache web site.
I have one question more : what do I have to do if http server and application server 
are not on the same computer ?


If you are using mod_jk_2.0.46.dll, that would be mod_jk, not mod_jk2.

Check out my HOWTO for Windows, it covers everything step by step. The version numbers are a little out of date, but it shouldn't matter.

Incidentally, I had a little trouble with the DLL for .46, I ended up using the DLL for .43. That was several weeks ago, it is possible the problems are fixed now, but if you run into some issues that you can't solve, you might want to try dropping back to the .43 DLL.


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