Funny, I had the opposite problem (worked under 4.0.6, died horribly under 4.1.24). Can you send a stack trace? I can't remember off the top of my head, but I think there's a way to inspect the JNDI tree under Tomcat.


Michael Duffy wrote:
I've written a Web app that works fine under Tomcat
4.1.24.  It uses an app-specific Context to set up a
JNDI data source that works fine.  It uses the
org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory and the
Oracle 9.2 JDBC type IV thin driver.  The Oracle JDBC
driver JAR is in TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib; all other
JARs are in the WEB-INF/lib directory inside the
deployed WAR.

A vendor has shipped s'ware to me that has been tested
under Tomcat 4.0.6.  The vendor won't guarantee proper
operation under 4.1.24, because it hasn't been tested

I downloaded 4.0.6, installed it on my machine, put my
app WAR in TOMCAT_HOME/webapps, and put the <Context>
into the server.xml.  The Oracle JDBC JARs are in
TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib.  I checked the resources page
to make sure that my Context from 4.1.24 was okay for
4.0.6.  There were no errors in the log file when I
started up the app.  The XML parser accepted the
server.xml without a problem.  I got the app log file
that I asked for, and I can see debug info from my
front controller servlet being written to it.

However, as soon as it tries to access the database I
get a "DataSource invalid - no suitable driver" error.

Everything that I gave to 4.0.6 works perfectly under
4.1.24.  What common error causes this?  I scanned the
Archive link from the mailing list page, but nothing
suitable appeared.  Thanks - MOD

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Derek Chen-Becker
Senior Network Engineer
CPI Corp, Inc.
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