Since your using windows. Use windows explorer to find *.java in the $catalina_home\work dir. If nothing is there - then the Sun folks are doing something different with the tomcat installation and I can't be of help. In that case, you'll need to dig through each of the config/startup files. (*.bat, server.xml, ...)


Julien Martin wrote:
Hello again,
I can't find any trace of the translated classes in the $catalina_home\work
directory for the web application I am working on.  How do I configure
tomcat in order for the translated files to go there?  Note that I am using
jwsdp 1.2.
Thanks in adavance,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Funk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 12:45 AM
Subject: Re: Where are translated classes stored in Tomcat 5??

Same spot as 4. Somewhere beneath $CATALINA_HOME/work - its just a little
deeper in the dir structure.


Julien Martin wrote:

I am having some problems with tomcat5.  I don't know where translated

files ( are stored. It used to be stored in %catalina_home%\work\catalina\localhost\myapp for an app called myapp in tomcat 4x and I can't find the file anymore now. Can you help?

Thanks in advance,

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