You'll need DocumentRoot, too.


Zach Gatu wrote:

Where have you put your JSPs and/or servlets?

If for example you've put them in "tomcat-install/webapps/myfiles", then in your mod_jk conf file you need to put a directive like this:

Alias /tcfiles "tomcat-install/webapps/myfiles"

JkMount /tcfiles/servlet/* ajp13-wrk1
JkMount /tcfiles/*.jsp ajp13-wrk1

"ajp13-wrk1" is a worker described in your file

This means that only files ending with *.jsp or starting with /servlet/ will be served by Tomcat. Anything else will be served by Apache.


v.siguier wrote:


I have configured Apache and Tomcat with mod_jk in order to connect them together but now all ressources of my application must be located under Tomcat directory to be founded.
As I want to put all static ressources directly under Apache, somebody can tell me what I have to configure in Apache or Tomcat to do this ?

Thank you

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