Kwok Peng Tuck wrote:

I'm no expert in load balancing and stuff like that, but shouldn't you load balance tomcat as well ?

If I could do everything I wanted to...

No. I am trying, but I cannot do that yet. Budget is not ready and purchase timings are far too long.

Thanks anyway.


Antonio Fiol Bonnín wrote:


We have already gone live, and we actually spend too much time dead. I hope some of you can help me a bit about the problems we have.

3 Apache web servers (1.3.23) behind a replicated load balancer in DMZ
1 Tomcat server (4.1.9) behind firewall, in "secure" zone.
1 Firewall in between.

Some facts I observed:
- Under high load, server sometimes hangs from the user's point of view (connection not refused, but nothing comes out of them.
- Under low load, I "netstat" and I still see lots of "ESTABLISHED" connections between the web servers and the Tomcat server.

For the first case, I reckon I might have found the cause:
Apache MaxClients is set to 200, and Tomcat maxProcessors was set to something about 150. Taking into account that there are 3 Apache, that means 200 x 3 = 600 clients --> tomcat chokes. Just raised maxProcessors to 601 ;-)

For the second one, I have really no clue:
Apache MaxSpareServers is set to 10. I see more than 30 "ESTABLISHED" connections even with extremely load.

Could someone point me to either
- a solution (or part thereof, or hints, or ...)
- a good tomcat tuning resource

I hope I can find a solution for this soon... The Directors are starting to think that buying WebLogic is the solution to our nightmares. They think they only need to throw money at the problem. Please help me show them they are wrong before they spend the money.

Thank you very much.

Antonio Fiol

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