"Roggeveen, Brian P" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello,
> I was wondering if it is safe to assume that when using the multithreaded
> model, a single unique thread will handle each incoming request? In other
> words, does the servlet container implement a thread per connection model
> is there a way to specify this configuration?

The thread-per-connection model is mandated in the Servlet spec, so Tomcat
(and any other compliant Servlet-Container) will behave this way.

> The reason I ask is that at any given point within my servlets' supporting
> code/beans, I would like to have access to the HttpSession instance that
> corresponds to the client for whom the current line of code is being
> executed. Another way of looking at the situation would be at any given
> point within my servlets' supporting code/beans, I would like to have
> to the HttpRequest that caused this particular line of code to be
> In order to accomplish this, I envisioned using a Map that contained
> keys and HttpSession values. As requests came in, the Map would be updated
> appropriately such that supporting code need only look up an HttpSession
> using the current thread. Maybe I'm making this more complex than it needs
> to be.

You are most definitely making this more complex than it needs to be ;-).

> Thanks!
> Brian Roggeveen
> EDS - Work Force Management
> Voice: (314) 264-8991
> Fax:    (314) 264-8901

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