I'm not sure that this is it, but you might try setting the JVM min and max
memory limits when starting Tomcat by adding the following to

set JAVA_OPS = -Xms100m -Xmx100m

Default for the JVM I believe should be 64mb, but who knows.

Why are you using jdk 1.3.1? Do you have existing code that is not
compatible with jdk 1.4? We are running Tomcat 4.1.24 as a service under
Windows 2000 Server accessing an SQL Server database on the same machine
with JDK 1.4.1_01 and it is working.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Porter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2003 6:57 PM
Subject: Tomcat 4.1x running as NT Service Issue

I have scanned all the archives, and have seen some issues that are similar
but not quite the same so I am posting this request.

We are running Tomcat 4.1.24 Binary release, as a Service on Windows 2000
SP3 and SP4 Pro version. No JSP just servlets. The Tomcat instance is
hosting 2 servlets that talk to a local SQL Server 2000 database on the same
machine. A VB 6 client is talking to the servlets via http post etc, and
exchanging XML documents for requests and replies.

Running as a Service, with JDK 1.3.1 as the JVM the service will crash after
about 10 minutes of activity. Just prior to the crash, available memory will
decrease to 0 and the system will slow to a crawl with a lot of disk
activity, paging I imagine.

Running Tomcat in a window alleviates the problem entirely, so I am assuming
there are some parameters that are being passed via the Startup.bat file
that are not happening with the service. Or perhaps to the JVM, I am very
new to Tomcat so I am not sure how to accomplish this.  However we really
want to have Tomcat running as a service since this is a laptop app being
deployed to hundreds of our users, and we don't want them mucking about with
the Window created by running Tomcat as a windowed service.

Plus, having it run as a service means it is one less thing to worry about
in our application code. However we can't deploy the app if it crashes every
10 minutes.  Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
RP2C Inc

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