On 09/06/12 18:02, Hersfold wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having some strange issues with my crontab. I've got this line in
> there, which has worked for months:
> 0 */2 * * * cronsub -s HersfoldArbClerkBot % java -jar
> HersfoldArbClerkBot.jar > HersfoldArbClerkBot.out
> Last night I replaced the jar in question with a new version (same name,
> location, etc.); since then, it doesn't appear that it's been running or
> even attempting to run. Usually when it fails to run I get an email, or
> at the very least something should be entered in that .out file;
> unfortunately I got no emails, and the file didn't exist, yet my bot
> didn't make any edits until I started it manually a short while ago. It
> should have run just now at 16:00 UTC, but again, no dice. Is there
> something wrong with cron where it's stopped functioning correctly?
> ----
> User:Hersfold
> hersfoldw...@gmail.com

Maybe the new HersfoldArbClerkBot.jar has some dependency which is only
fullfilled in the login server?
(thus it dies in the new version)

What's the point of that % character?

That redirection is also confusing, since cronsub would use
HersfoldAhrbClerkBot.out as output file, and you're also using a
redirection to the same file.

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