"DaB." <w...@daniel.baur4.info> wrote:

> after our discussion about more roots I got the impression that for some of
> you the topic of more roots is quite urgent. To be honest I feel not very well
> to just add a few roots at the moment.
> So I thought a compromise and created a new user-group: Operators [1].
> Operators have a limited set of advantage rights – enough to help the roots
> and do every-day-jobs, but not enough rights to have access to sensible data
> (so no approval from WMDE or WMF is necessary).
> For testing I gave operator-status to the following people: Merl, who manage
> SGE already, Danny_B, who manage the user-store already, and Platonides who
> volunteered. There will be more in the future, but at the moment these 3 will
> do.
> In the new group the operators can collect experience while helping the users
> and the TS. And the roots can see who could get root-status someday and who
> not. The group is also a good place for users who like to help the TS, but can
> not invest the same amount of time like a root.

> So let's see if this solution works.

That's nice.  As approval from WMDE and WMF will take some
time anyway, we should start the process for Coren and Pla-
tonides now.  When the paperwork is done in a few weeks, we
can proceed further.

Silke, could you find out if WMDE has existing NDAs for
Toolserver admins and send them to Coren and Platonides?
Also, you said they needed to be vetted by WMF ops.  Could
you kick off that process as well, please?  Thanks!


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