At Friday 03 May 2013 10:54:42 DaB. wrote:
> I've noticed some irregularity in job execution through SGE over the past
> few days.  Currently it seems several queues are either disabled or in an
> error state.
> Is this expected?  Is there an easy way to get an idea about how many jobs
> are queued and how quickly they're executed, in other words how to predict
> when a certain job might be run?  Or maybe this is just a temporary issue
> that'll get resolved shortly?

If an queue is in a error-state something is wrong and it needs a root or an 
operator to fix this (most times just a clearing is enough). Queues that are 
disabled are deactivated by purpose. I cleared the error-queues now and I will 
look where the problem with mayapple is.
It is not a easy thing to get how many jobs are waiting. The reason is that 
some users commit a lot of jobs that are executed with a throttle (~commit 50 
jobs but do not more than 5 in parallel) – which is perfectly fine. Normally we 
have enough resources that no job waits more than a few hours at maximum – but 
there are exceptions.

> Cheers,
> Morten


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