(anonymous) wrote:

>> yes, there is a minor problem with ngnix I haven?t time to fix yet.
>> Also there is a harmless error-message about quota at login.

> The funny thing with the quota error-message is, it works correct if I
> do have over-quota when loggin-in. Not so if the quota is not
> exceeded... ;))

The more irritating thing is that it works on willow, yet
the mounts look identical:

| [tim@passepartout ~]$ for HOST in willow yarrow; do ssh $HOST.toolserver.org 
mount | grep -w /sge; done
| /sge on ha-sge.esi:/global/misc/sge 
remote/read/write/setuid/devices/rstchown/vers=3/proto=udp/xattr/dev=4b00006 on 
Sun May 19 20:45:25 2013
| ha-sge.esi:/global/misc/sge on /sge type nfs 
| [tim@passepartout ~]$

Either Solaris's quota is silent about not being able to ac-
cess some file systems, or ha-sge.esi seems to be blocked
from yarrow, but not from willow ("host ha-nfs.esi" yields
the same on both).


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