The way my XFMR is mounted in the enclosure I can't take a decent photo of
it.  I have asked Guy to provide a photo of his installed xfmr or a photo of
one not yet installed.  When I receive the photos I'll post them on the

An actual pic of this transformer would be worth a thousand words. The
drawings are great but I'd love to see this thing wound and connected for
real. I don't have any experience with such things so having a pic to show
details of how it works when drawings meet reality is priceless.

Thanks for all this, pretty interesting.

On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 7:21 PM, W0UCE <> wrote:

> New information, details and drawings for the K2AV 160m Folded
> (FCP) System, Isolation Transformer and Installation Notes have been
> on my website.
> If you are interested in building an FCP versus putting in a dense radial
> field heed the following advise:
> *       The ONLY means of achieving the required degree of Isolation is to
> use the Isolation Transformer as specified by K2AV
> *       Tests using 1:1 Baluns and Line Isolators have ALL FAILED - you
> waste RF Power, Time and Money unless the specified xfmr is installed
> *       DO NOT attempt to use Insulated Window Line for the FCP - We
> already
> tried it and it does not work - too lossy
> *       Use #12 Bare wire for the FCP elements - Moisture gathers on
> insulated wire and detunes the FCP
> *       Use 4" spacing between FCP elements
> *       Small diameter PVC Pipe Spreaders work well - use caps on both
> and put a small weep hole in the bottom cap
> *       It is best to install the FCP in a straight line the overall
> is 66' if bends are necessary make them near the ends of the elements
> 73,
> Jack W0UCE
> _______________________________________________
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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