> On Dec 11, 2011, at 9:52 AM, Eddy Swynar wrote:
>> One bit of advice, though: save yourself a LOT of potential grief, & 
>> limit operations between 1800- & 1810-KHz, i.e. the extreme bottom 10-KHz 
>> of the band. Apart from the W1AW code practice sessions there, that part 
>> of the band is usually unoccupied. If you call CQ QRP anywhere from about 
>> 1812- to 1835-KHz, you could well incur the wrath of the DX crowd hunting 
>> their quarry therein...! Be forewarned...
> The Ham world needs to get their act together!     Not complaining about 
> your advice Eddy, but just yesterday I found the IARU recommended 160m 
> bandplan (dated October 2010):
> 1800-1810   digi modes
> 1810-1830   CW
> 1812            QRP
> 1830-1840   DX window
> Isn't it nice that the amateur radio bureaucrats are totally disconnected 
> from reality?
> I try to be cooperative but in truth I can't figure out where in the heck 
> I should operate on 160 with casual CW operation.  I usually hang around 
> 1836-38 for digital (Contestia, Olivia, Thor).
> 73, Ken WA8JXM

I agree with the IARU plan for digi (-;


UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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