On 2011-12-28, at 10:32 AM, Joe Giacobello, K2XX wrote:

>  Yes, last night (~0500Z) conditions were about as good as I've heard 
> them here this season.  As many have commented, conditions on 80 and 
> 160M have been unusually poor this season.  But 80M seemed to have 
> awakened a week or so ago and 160M now seems to be following suit.

Hi Guys,

Well THAT certainly figures...!

The best night of propagation on the band in a L-O-N-G time, & Mother Nature 
(no doubt aided & abetted by some guy named Murphy...?) decides to dump an all 
day mix of heaVY wet snow & rain, followed by a flash-feezing, here in southern 
"VE3" land!

The Beverage wire is encircled in a wrap of frozen slush & ice almost 1" thick, 
& actually dropped some 4' from one its supports...everything else is radically 

Oh well, everyone here WAS pining for a "...white Christmas". My advice...? Be 
careful what you wish for, because it just might come true (even 

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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