The problem is that there is nothing to prevent someone from using YOUR
call, making a complete ass of himself on the air and thus trashing your

73, Roger

On 2/25/2012 8:06 AM, Eddy Swynar wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> A look back through my late 1920's issues of QST magazine reveals a monthly 
> column entitled, I believe, "PREHISTORIC SIGNALS". Therein, for all to 
> behold, were the specific call signs of stations heard during the previous 
> month that had not pulled-up their bootstraps on the eve of newer, more 
> stringent regulations from the then FCC regarding signal quality...
> These offenders were guilty of such things listed as "raw AC on signal", 
> "extreme drift", "excessive chirp", etc. etc. etc. The idea, obviously, was 
> that offenders so "outed" would be inspired (shamed is more like it!) to 
> re-vamp their transmitters, bringing them up to the then "modern" standards.
> I wonder if a similar such list of "PREHISTORIC OPERATING STANDARDS" might be 
> in order to-day?
> DX-pedition operators know the repeated callers, the out-of-turn callers, 
> etc. only too well---as do those of us on this side of the pile-up. Does 
> working these offenders not, effectively, REWARD their "prehistoric operating 
> standards"? Would it, perhaps, be better for the organizers of such DX treks 
> to publish the call signs of REPEAT offenders on their web site, for all to 
> see (including, hopefully, the offenders themselves)...?
> I don't know what general consensus might be on such an idea, but it's 
> apparent that whatever excellent codes of DX conduct exist in the printed 
> form on-line, in the various Amateur publications, etc., they are completely& 
>  utterly lost upon a GROWING cadre of so-called "DX'ers". Perhaps the time is 
> nigh to stop relying upon the "honour system" to elevate standards, and to 
> instead, cite poor operating standards&  etiquette in a public way...because 
> things are hardly improving on the air, such as they are.
> ~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
> _______________________________________________
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

Remember the Liberty (AGTR-5)

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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