It is always with great reluctance that I coil up my radials and put 
them in the
garage when the "season" is over.  Even though I have no choice,  I hate 
a "fair weather friend" to Top Band.

It is also with humility that I work stations in the Southern Hemisphere
during the long nights of Winter here.  During the 2009 SP TBDC,
I managed to work ZL3IX.  Even though it was his Summer Solstice,
I think he was copying me a bit better than I was copying him!

Chuck  NI0C

Jim Brown, K9YC, wrote:
"How would North America and EU work VK/ZL or South America if the
guys in the lower hemisphere had our parochial attitude about "the
season?" "

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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