I know I tried very hard to participate last year,
mother nature had it in for us here in WTX DM91sk

if you check that list there were only two '5's listed
one was in MS the other in KY

but I'll for sure give it another try this year
any Stew Perry test, any time, QRPers will be there
if thunderstorms permit that is

if you are a QRPer you know the Stew Perry
is the ONLY contest 160m or anywhere,
that we are treated with any respect by the rest of hamdom.
You have it we will come! Nuff said
GB & 73
Sam Morgan

On 3/18/2012 12:01 PM, Tree wrote:
> Think of the June Stew as an activity night.  No weekend is going to be
> without conflicts - but maybe the die hard 160 types will show up and hand
> out some QSOs.  Here are the results from last year:
> http://web.jzap.com/k7rat/SummerStew2011.txt
> The top QSO total was 94 QSOs.  Not a lot - but more than you would have
> worked on most other evenings.:-)   This was the first running of the
> event - so hopefully, there will be a bit more activity the second time.
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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