On Mon, 19 Mar 2012 13:55:11 -0700 (PDT) "Jim F." <j_fit...@yahoo.com>
> QRPers generally do not need Beverages as much as other stations
> do.
> Think about that one for awhile.
> jim / W1FMR

remember a couple of years ago in the CQWW when i went head to head with
K7SS who lives on the same cliff 10 miles north of me; my 1953 era
station against his 2011 era station

5 watts is 5 watts we worked the same stations

beverages, roofing filters (come to think of it i need a new roof on my
radio cabin) computer aided software, multiple VFOs, internet operating
assistance be damned

5 watts is 5 watts

mike w7dra
The New &#34;Skinny&#34; Fruit
How This Strange 62-Cent African Fruit Is Making Americans Skinny.
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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