In our club's April newsletter a local friend Ken W9IE built Rick's loop and 
wrote an article (on page 2) URL links to Rick's original info are 

The loop antenna looks promising and I find myself seriously considering trying 
it myself.I do have a question though that possibly some of you may have 
experimented with.What has been your experience with setting the loop antenna 
against a small wooden shed building, on the intended receive side of courseor 
will the building interfere much with the receive signal strength. My lot is 
only 100x150 total and the shed is 12x24.I thought perhaps one N/S and one E/W 
where Ken has his on a rotor.Anyone?
Clay Melhorn N9IO Bonfield, IL
Webmaster: KARS - Kankakee Area Radio Society - W9AZ

> Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 18:19:04 -0700
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: Topband: Small loop Performance
> On 4/11/2012 5:57 PM, wrote:
> > A
>   stations? I've worked with a couple of loops based on
>   N6RK's designs, and while they have deep nulls and work
>   as expectred they also don't seem to produce any usable
>   RF from DX stations. I can hear stateside signals with
>   >
> > 73 Steve K0SR
> In this discussion of loops, we have conflated the issue
> of loops vs non-loop antennas with the question of the
> performance of a particular design like mine or Wellbrook,
> etc.  IMHO, a loop is a loop.  My NCJ article merely
> describes an improved feed network for a loop.  The loop
> is a standard "shielded" loop.  Any decent loop design,
> shielded or not, is basically going to do the same thing
> in terms of receiving DX or not.  This discussion began
> with rumors of rave reviews of the Wellbrook loop.  There
> is simply no way that loop has any magic over other good
> loop designs, and so any such reviews have no merit IMHO.
> Some loops may have advantages over others in terms of
> bandwidth, cost, noise added by any active devices,
> overload by BCB stations, etc.  However, in terms of pulling
> in DX, again, one loop is generally as good as another.
> Using the loop design I wrote up in the National Contest
> Journal, I've heard DX such as CE/K7CA on my loop, but other people
> have built the same loop design and not gotten such good
> results.  Assuming they properly duplicated the design,
> it is just one of those Your Results May Vary situations.
> It would be very unlikely that the Wellbrook or some other
> loop would produce significantly different results.
> Rick N6RK
> _______________________________________________
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