Hi Herb,

Don't feel bad...I think I can top that.

Here in the much-vaunted LAND OF NO---i.e. the province of Ontario---our 
powers-that-be recently brought-in universal "smart" power meters, followed 
almost immediately by "...pay per time of use" variable prices for kilowatt 
hours, i.e. if you do your laundry at 3:00 in the morning, you'll pay less than 
if you were to do the wash at 3:00 in the afternoon...

But wait! There's more...!

Our provincial politicos have jumped on the "green eco wagon": now they want to 
force wind turbines down the collective throats of residents in otherwise 
serene rural and lakeshore landscapes...and the cost per kilowatt hour for the 
electricity generated by those things...? A whopping $0.80!

But wait! There's more...!

We all have to conserve, CONSERVE, C-O-N-S-E-R-V-E!!! Or so we're lectured. 
Well, we are conserving in Ontario, alright---to the tune that at times our 
province has excess capacity. So what do our politicos do to remedy the 

They give the surplus electricity away to our neighbours in Quebec, New York, 
and Michigan just so that they'll take it off our hands---AND WE PAY THEM 
(LITERALLY) MILLION$ OF DOLLAR$ to relieve us of it!

There you go: "Stupid is, as stupid does". So all you guys running kilowatts in 
VE2- / W8- / W2-land can thank us hapless VE3 taxpayers for helping to 
subsidize your QRO addiction, Hi Hi (If this wasn't for real, you'd swear it 
was all fabricated---but you just can NOT make-up stuff like this.)

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

On 2012-04-05, at 5:16 PM, Herb Schoenbohm wrote:

> I just don't understand physics it seems....as how can there be that 
> much energy savings if so much heat is produced and must be dissipated?  
> Here in the VI when the power company increased the rates to over $40 
> per KWH everyone bought the cheap CFL bulbs after the energy office made 
> a big promotion on radio and TV about how much money would be saved in 
> the process.  Well there was less consumption and people bills were 
> slightly lower with this and other energy saving moves like turning of 
> the electric water heater, going to gas stoves, and unplugging the 
> freezer part of the day.  OK fine but when the power company noticed a 
> reduction on accounts receivables, and found it difficult to make bond 
> payment on debt service...guess what?  They just increased the per KWH 
> charge to about 50 cents per KWH!
> So whats the point in saving a few watts anyway if these LED beasties 
> cause RFI?  in fact i like the old incandescent bulbs that haven't 
> changed much since Thomas Edison and others in UK and Russia invented 
> them.  plus i like the fact that when I key my rig on TB the outside 
> lights at night go off and on.  (Just kidding of course)
> Herb, KV4FZ

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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