Thhanks Niko for sharing your experience with me.  I did not find a 
reason why this takes place so I ran a separate 600 foot Beverage about 
50 feet away and parallel to the two wire. The single wire works fine on 
40 meters to the direction of the termination. A possible reason why the 
two WD1-A does not work in the reverse direction on 40 meters, but works 
well on 160 and 80 could be that it is to long for 40.  This is just a 
gut reaction as I have not come up with any  reason.

I hope someone of the topband list group here has an answer.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ

On 5/22/2012 5:02 AM, Niko Safaric wrote:
> Dear Herb,
> On topband contesting Ihavefound your question about strange manner of 
> your beverage
>     »I have a 900 foot WD1-A two wire Beverage that runs east and west
>     and
>     works well and has a great FB ratio on 160 and 80 meters. It is
>     fed with
>     a KD9SV box and reflection transformer for WD1-A telephone wire. I
>     have
>     swept the antenna with an analyzer and the antenna is relatively flat
>     beyond 10 Mhz.  However I notice that when I try to RX  with it on
>     7Mhz
>     the reception (noise level) drops to the floor and signals are not
>     there
>     in the West direction (Reverse Direction) but OK in the East.  The
>     noise
>     floor drops a good 30 db and the receiver appears dead on 40 to
>     the west
>     but works well to the East.  I have an identical WD1-A two wire
>     Beverage
>     running NNE and SSW which works fine on 40 meters in both
>     directions.  I
>     have absolutely no idea why this should be the case except that the
>     cable feeding the Beverage box is RG-6U and could have some water
>     encroachment which increase the losses at 7MHz greatly.  Before I
>     do a
>     new cable run I plan to just swap the two RG-6 cables and see if the
>     problem reverses now to the East rather than the West.  I post
>     this to
>     ask if anyone has had a similar experience with a well functioning
>     Beverage that appears completely dead on 7 Mhz and above.«
> I have exactly the same problemas you hadexceptmy beverageis not 
> completedeadin one directionon40mand higherbands.F/B ratio 
> isalsostrange.With switching directions W/EI cangetup 
> to30dBF/B,butonly for signals coming from East.On another 
> directionF/Bratio issignificantjust for some signals coming from W, 
> but not for allof them.
> I havealreadyreplacedtransformers, made a good ground with radials on 
> both side, replacecoax RG59 with RG213...butnodifference.
> I am interested, how did you solve your problem?
> Best regards,
> Niko, S53a, 9J3a

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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