Hi Mike,

I have not tried to run two Bevs like that, but I have tried to run one 
close to a wire fence.  The best F/B I achieved was about 8 dB.  I would 
think that the two scenarios would be very similar.

73, Greg ZL3IX

On 2012-05-23 06:20 a.m., rfman45 wrote:
>   For various reasons I am considering two single, parallel but 180deg 
> opposing direction beverages on the same supports rather than a single 
> switchable bidirectional beverage.  The bevs would be separated by 12 to 18 
> inches or so. I've read that parallel bevs present performance degradation 
> issues but has anyone had any experience with this type of setup versus the 
> traditional bidirectional beverage? Thanks for reading this and for any 
> thoughts you could offer.                                                     
>             Mike  W2LO                                         
> _______________________________________________
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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