I was on during those days with about 300 watts and a 3 el Yagi. I 
worked Gus at exotic places like FR7ZC/J, 9U5BH, 9U5ZZ & ZD9AM, etc. 
Ack, W4ECI, was his manager. I also remember Don Miller and his 
exploits. Unfortunately I QRTed about 1964 fer College es XYL's.. The 
later was probably a bad decision. Because of that I was not active 
again until 1971..

Don is out of confinement now and is back on as AE6IY. He started out in 
1962 as HL9KH and was a physician in the US Army Medical Corps in 
Korea.... His operating skills were amazing even back then...


John, W4NU
(K4JAG 1959 to 1998)
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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