have a 70 foot per side, elevation  aprox 25 ft, corner supports only, 
12 Ga solid copper, fed at the corner with open wire all the way to 
johnson match box here in shack for 80mtrs...works GREAT on 75/80, 40, 
30,( on 20 and up- too many little lobes begin ..)....it really is on 
the edge of my lot/ corners in rear set back in front.....
no way to really know till ya try it and see.......my guess it should 
work......proof is in actual use...
Renée, K6FSB

W2XJ wrote:
> EZNEC is your friend.
> On 6/16/12 9:35 PM, Tom W2MN wrote:
>> A couple of us in the radio club were discussing the possibility of
>> installing a full wave horizontal loop antenna (for Rx and Tx) on top of a
>> building we have access to. The loop would be about 20ft above the building
>> roof, making it about 100ft above ground. The loop could be a rectangle
>> approx. 180ft x 110ft (adjusted for a full wavelength on 160m). We were
>> thinking of using it on 160m as well as 80m. We would use steel / copper
>> clad wire and there in NO possibility of support except at the corners; so
>> it will sag under its own weight.
>> Would appreciate any comments concerning its usefulness. Is it going to be
>> worth the effort??
>> Tom
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>> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
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> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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