On 8/10/2012 11:17 AM, N2TK, Tony wrote:
> I shunt feed my tower for topband. I use variable vacuum caps and a vacuum
> relay at the base to switch between the low end and the high end of the
> band. It seems to work okay. I have 100' buried radials spaced 10' at the
> ends from o degrees going clockwise through about 220 degrees. I have a 4'
> high stone wall that runs about 20/200 degrees that is about 35' at its
> closest point to the tower. So the radials are progressively shorter on the
> West side of the tower.
> I am making an assumption that going up over the wall will distort any
> benefits of extending the radials on the West side? Is that a true
> assumption.
> I can't really have the radials go from the tower base up at an angle to
> clear the stone wall and continue on. If I am to extend them the radials
> would have to go on the ground to the wall then up and over and back down to
> the ground.
Tony,  A long masonry drill used in the cable TV industry (which has a 
hole on the pointed end to attach the wire and pull it through the wall, 
is your best option in my view.

Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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