Hi Nick

Like many others, I am very glad to hear you will be QRV on Topband.

A few suggestions if I may:

Operating on Topband has a bit of a learning curve.  Not steep, but a
few things that may help:

Code speeds tend to be more moderate than other bands.  On 20, a
DXpedition can zoom along at 30+ - On topband, it is best to slow down
a bit.  25 is probably more common.

Chances are you will not be loud, and I would suggest operating split
as much as possible,  The DX Window is 18025 to 18030 - transmit in
here, and listen outside the window.

You will see some enhancement around sunset/sunrise.  You see this on
other bands as well, but the effect is more pronounced, and as you may
have noticed, there is more emphasis on these times for working
different parts of the world.

Putting out a decent signal is (usually) not the biggest hurdle -
hearing is.  Others have already suggested good transmit antennas, and
it sounds like you already have some good ieas (K9AY) for RX in place.

Once last thing I would add as far as receive is concerned - ignore
signal levels.  The biggest obstacle is hearing.  Period.  Who cares
if the signal is S2 or S9.  A BOG may produce low signal levels/not be
very effecient.  If it helps you hear, that is all that really
matters.  If it is rolled up during the day, perhaps it can be rolled
out in different directions at night to favour different parts of the

Good luck with the operation!!

Tom - VE3CX

On 8/28/12, Nick Henwood <n...@henwood.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> I have been v QRV from 5X in past 5 years. Returning this Oct for 8 weeks
> and considering how best to get 160 on the air as it is the only band I have
> not worked and reckon there must be un-met need!
> I go to work (pro bono) at a community university so not a dxpedition but
> solo so plenty of time to get on the air. I carry all my gear with me.
> I am looking for help/advice in erecting a simple antenna which you guys can
> hear!  I have access to roach poles (30 footers) and can get max height of
> about 50 feet. No high trees locally and insufficent room for beverage
> antennas. Contemplating a 50 ft vertical with capacity top loading and some
> induction at the feed point. I will get grounding as good as possible within
> local constraints(small site, vehicles near the house etc). What do you
> think?
> Grateful for advice on antennas. I would only work CW - lots of experience
> on HF (110k QSOs from 5X on the other bands) but novice on 160 dx - advice
> (polite) also invited on operating.
> 73 Nick G3RWF/5X1NH
> PS Yes, I use LOTW
> _______________________________________________
> UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK
UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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