Out west in flyover country we rue the day. Tom is spot on. I too stay out of 30-35 for CQing so my western brethren can potentially hear something. Very unfortunate to have the 30-35 window, which many DX stations use, clobbered by a very few thoughtless W CQ'ers.

I didn't realize recognition of the window is a has been. Out here, not the case.

73 Art K6XT~~ Allison, southwest CO
Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm.

On 8/30/2012 5:13 PM, W8JI wrote:
I try to stay above 1835 or below 25 as much as possible, because I think
removing that clear area was a bad idea for stations distant from the coast,
who have to listen through the NE wall.

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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