Id like to think that many of the OT's that worked the band under the old power restrictions found many suitable small lot antennas.
A look thru the old QST's, CQ, Radio, HRM, etc likely will show a few.

In the 50's I used a 80M dipole fed with 72 Ohm twinlead tied together at the rig on 160; the Johnson Viking I loaded it and I made many contacts including AM mobiles.

In the 60's I used what would later be called a half sloper and in the 80's I worked coast to coast with 100W to a 750' Beverage just for grins and giggles to see if it was possible after reading a QST artcle about the Canadian government using an array for a ZL link on a higher frequency. It was reported as more reliable than conventional antennas.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Guy Olinger K2AV" <>
To: "Paul Christensen" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2012 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: Topband: Small antenna book

I'll wait to comment until I've had a chance to read the book and see
what's really in it, what kind of built and tried in contest experience,
etc, and how it applies.  20 bux from ARRL plus shipping.

ANY contribution to the pitiful state of 160 know-how for the small-lotter
is welcomed.  I'll support the guy with a book purchase  just because he
was THINKING about the little guy on 160.

2012  :>)   75 years since Brown, Lewis and Epstein.   Jeeze.

Like the FCP, all this should have been out there when they turned off the
LORAN.  What were they thinking.

73, Guy.

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 7:13 PM, Paul Christensen <> wrote:

 On the surface this seems to agree with what I find. There are dozens of
ways to have about the same results. I wonder what Grant has in the book?

I recently purchased a copy from the ARRL and it's well worth the $20
price. Table of Contents:

- Short Antenna Behavior
- A Better Way to Define Antenna Bandwidth
- Why Top-loading Can Improve Short Antenna Performance
- Top Hat Arrangements
- Inverted Cone Antennas
- Closed Antennas
- Antennas with Two Driven Elements
- T-shaped Antennas
- Inverted L-shaped Antennas
- Antennas with Four Driven Elements
- Spiral Antennas
- Small Horizontal Antennas
- Quadrature Feed Arrangements

Paul, W9AC

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom W8JI" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2012 7:02 PM
Subject: Topband: Small antenna book

 While looking for something entirely different, I came across this. I
wonder if anyone has this book?

Grant, KM5KG, is one of the most experienced broadcast engineers around.**htm <>

Grant claims:
"A New Book from Grant Bingeman, KM5KG

112 pages 8.5 by 11 inches

This book presents 30 practical wire antenna designs that fit inside a 40 by 40 by 30 foot tall space, including the ground system. This report is specially written for the ham radio operator who lives on a typical quarter
acre lot and has to maintain a practical budget.

E field radiation efficiencies of 75 percent are possible over a very
limited ground system of 18 buried radial wires only 20 feet long."

On the surface this seems to agree with what I find. There are dozens of
ways to have about the same results. I wonder what Grant has in the book?

73 Tom

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