Jim, this topic IS about 160, no doubt about it.  I don't think anyone here has 
insulted or abused anyone. We are discussing a very valid subject and it has 
nothing to do with who is bigger than who.  It has to do with growth of 
activity on the band we all know and love.  

Tom has made some valid points, as has everyone else. The most important one 
being the placement, by someone's agreement of the digi subband.  I think 
everyone agrees it isn't in the right place.  But having said that, where 
should it go?  If anyone says digi doesn't belong on 160, THEN you might find 
some serious disagreement...... Nobody is saying that.... I would know because 
I happen to be in favor of its being on 160, in particular.  

So where would you have is discuss a 160 topic?  What other forum, other than 
this one, addresses things about 160 and the modes/practices/standards thereon? 

Anyone here been insulted or demeaned by any comments?  I haven't...... Anyone 
else?  Anything been said that deserves a moderator to step in?  If so, I would 
like to know what it was so I can learn about the rules here...... Thanks

Mike A (AB7ZU)

Kuhi no ka lima, hele no ka maka

On Sep 16, 2012, at 19:16, wa3...@comcast.net wrote:

> I was afraid this was going to turn into a yours is bigger than mine.. 
> geeze.. but at the risk of taking up space on Tree's forum..,,, 
> With all due respect the area that people work JT65 in now is due I believe 
> to IARU recommendations (or so I have been told) I have not however verified 
> that myself.  I can tell you that several foriegn stations have said they can 
> not work down low. 
> Next one response said that he can copy better than signals better than JT65. 
> If he had said PSK I would agree with him however JT65 can copy signals that 
> barely print on my screen and can not be heard audibly.  If that is not the 
> case then the person setting up the system has it set up incorrectly which 
> brings me up to the next point. 
> I agree with much of what Tom W8JI has said.  He is both smart and wise and 
> he has noticed that many do not take the time to set up their equipment 
> correctly meaning they over drive the radio, use radios that are old and not 
> suitable or they have miswired the system which leads to a totally crappy 
> signal and interference to others on the band both digital and CW.. oh  geeze 
>  CW is digital isnt it.. hummmm. 
> Finally,  you cant mean to tell me that the little bit of space being used by 
> digital at the top of the CW window causes a hardship on anyone.. heck half 
> of the time the SSB stations are even down there and no one growls about 
> that.. and wait until a SSB contest you wont find an empty spot in the CW 
> band.. so what is the beef with 5 KHz or less being used, sometimes for a 
> sound card digital mode when much of the CW band is empty 75 percent of the 
> time. 
> I would suggest that we do take this discussion to another venue less Tree 
> moderates all of us..  It is ok to email me directly. 
> Jim 
> P.S. I do work CW  I dont hate it ya know. 
> http://www.qsl.net/wa3mej/index.htm 
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