Rather than trying to guess about the propagation (which can vary widely),
you can use dxwatch.com to find out when other stations in your area have
heard 3D2C on 160.

For example, on 30 Sep, KG6I reported contact at 1056Z, W6XI at 1243Z, N6PE
at 1321Z and K6AAX at 1357Z.

For CW, you can also check reversebeacon.net to see when they are active. My
Skimmer generally hears them pretty well when they're on the air.

As an FYI, the local peak for 160 in ZL (roughly the same longitude as 3DC)
is currently about 1130Z -- closer to the local solar midnight than to the
gray line.

73, Rick ZL2HAM

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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