On Wed, 2012-10-03 at 08:23 -0400, N1BUG wrote:
> > There's never any DX way down in that part of the band anyway...
> Au contraire! I have personally worked several JA stations between 
> 1810 and 1811. If I had the patience to investigate my log I am 
> certain I would find European and other DX worked that low. I know 
> of at least one big gun just east of me who has run strings of JA's 
> on 1810.5 at sunset (yes, long path).


This also presupposes that the only reason to even be on top band is to
chase after DX. I have no aversion to chatting with DX hams but I am
more interested in rag chewing and North American hams are fair game as
far as I'm concerned.


Bill  KU8H

UR RST IS ... ... ..9 QSB QSB - hw? BK

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