On Fri, 2012-10-19 at 09:43 -0600, James Rodenkirch wrote:
> Hopefully lots of QRP entries, like myself - looking forward to a fun event 
> and sure hope to work lots of ya!  72, Jim R. K9JWV


The whiteboard is marked up for the Stew Warmup. I'll be operating QRP
as that's all I have. When the real deal gets here I might have the
DX-100 ready! Can you hear me now? (evil grin). I managed to work a few
stations in the Stew last year with a couple of hours on the air. This
weekend I expect to have more time.

For the Stew Warmup I am going to make an effort to engage the
electronic (computer) logging along with use of of LOTW.

See (some of) you in the Stew. I can see you even if you can't see me.


Bill  KU8H

Remember the PreStew coming on October 20th.  http://www.kkn.net/stew for more 

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