N4IS wrote:
> Hi Rick
> I had full size 160M dipoles (not inverted vees) up at 9 meters and
> 18 meters for about six months and did a lot of A/B'ing of them.
> On receive, there was never any difference in audible S/N ratio.
> This result is 100% sure to happen. Any time you have more than one
> resonant
> antenna, they will couple with each other. A-B test on 160m is very
> difficult to be done properly when one antenna is resonant. There is

I am well aware of this, which is why I put relays at the feed points
to open up the dipole that was not in use.  An isolated pair of 1/4
wave wires has virtually no effect on a nearby dipole.

Rick N6RK

Topband reflector - topband@contesting.com

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