On 2012-11-12, at 12:35 PM, Jerry Keller (K3BZ) wrote:

> This topic is getting old.
> Here's another point of view: 
> Why should I let myself get aggravated over the poor operating habits of 
> others? 
> Why should their bad behavior take up my valuable time to give them the 
> attention they want?
> I can't be bothered writing complaints or naming names or "outing" anybody. 
> I have enough on my plate just to watch my own operating behavior.
> I have enough to do to try my best to comply with some sort of standard (such 
> as the DX Code of Conduct http://dx-code.org ). 
> There will always be "jammers", "cops", "tuner-uppers", and those that call a 
> lot but listen little.... the only meaningful thing I can do about it is to 
> minimize my own mistakes. 
> Every serious DXer I know says ignoring them is the best policy. 
> DXing in general (and breaking pileups in particular) is a challenge and 
> these guys are part of it. Making the contact IN SPITE OF THEM just makes it 
> that much sweeter. 

Hi Jerry,

I beg to differ with you...!

If this topic is considered to be "old", then it is so because no individual 
and / or group has bothered to take it on, and instead, have chosen to simply 
live with it, or in other words, appease the transgressors...

Am I aggravated over the poor operating habits of others...? You better believe 
that I am. All of us should be! It takes a LOT of work and dedication to build 
a decent, competitive station and antenna system for 160, and when someone 
deliberately & malicious refuses to "play by the rules" like so many others are 
attempting to do, I get GOOD and mad.

The whole malaise is getting far too large & widespread to ignore. And as I 
said before, if costly & labour-intensive DX-pedition efforts continue to be 
increasingly stymied by the deliberate and malicious stupidity of others, who 
can blame the organizers of such events if one day they all simply shrug their 
shoulders & say, "M'eh! Ain't worth the trouble."

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ

Topband reflector - topband@contesting.com

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