W4TV points out:
> For historical reasons the ARRL 16 Meter contest is essentially a "160M
> Sweepstakes". [...]
> For many years before activity in the middle part of the US expanded,
> it was impossible to "win" ARRL 160 from anywhere other than W1.

It looks to me that at least in the LP category, the midwest is consistently
having most all the top scores in ARRL 160. Shouldn't be too surprising -
last night I was listening to many running midwest stations who last year were
top 20 LP category, and they were working run of the mill stations on both east
and west coast by the hundreds.

Speaking of which... how do running stations monitor/switch between receive 
on 160? Some may have them fed to diversity reception (left ear and right ear)
but my primitive setup just has a foot pedal that lets me pick K9AY loop 
For these guys who have twelve beverages, wow, I don't have that many feet!

Topband reflector - topband@contesting.com

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