Good Morning All,

Well, the dust has pretty much settled down upon this year's 160-meters portion 
of the Antique Wireless Association's "1929 QSO Party" (barring any stalwarts 
who might show-up tonight before the close of the event at 2300Z, that is)...

I made a grand total of just 7 QSOs on 1.8-MHz---but the icing on the 
cake---for me, at any rate---was working VE7SL in British Columbia some 15+ 
minutes well AFTER my local sunrise this morning, and just THREE MINUTES before 
I was going to pull the plug anyway!

That ain't too shabby a performance, coming as it did through the able work of 
a pair of 83 year old type 227 receiving tubes of unknown heritage that 
comprise the final PA stage of my 1929-style homebrewed 
Master-Oscillator-Power-Amplifier transmitter!

It was very nice working a few of the 160 "regulars", too, who stopped by to 
say hello...

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
Topband reflector -

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