Joe, I don't ask for both....just wish to be treated the same way as another station a few miles north (VP2V) . Actually there is little "DX" on during this contest compared to the others like CQ and TBDC. The ARRL has a list of DXCC entities which works for all their other contests but for some strange reason disallows U.S. Territories for their 160 meter contest. Makes no sense.

Herb, KV4FZ

On 12/18/2012 6:08 PM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:


> I complained in past posts about the lack of fairness in the
> ARRL 160 Meter Contest for not treating the U.S. Territories
> as DX, no not even KP1 or KP5, none.  But with the ARRL 10
> Meter contest that followed, stations located in the U.S.
> Territories are indeed DX as it should be.  Why in the world
> won't anyone on the CAC or at HQ realize that there is no
> acceptable reason for not correcting this problem. or if
> there is they aren't saying.

Calling KP2 and KP4 DX for the ARRL 160 Meter Contest would mean
that you *could not work DX.*  You have bitched for years that DX
thought the could not work you - I can find the references in the
archives going back almost to be beginning of this list) but it
would mean that you got to count each QSO with the rest of us on
the mainland as 5 points instead of 2 points.  Now you want to be
able to work DX but count all your QSOs as five points instead
of two?

Do you want to be DX or work everybody?  Take your pick but don't
act like a two year old and say "both!"


   ... Joe, W4TV

On 12/18/2012 3:41 PM, herbs wrote:
After several frustrating weeks of trying to figure out why
my ARRL LOTW uploads were not registering I decided to
contact the company.  It seems they are back logged beyond
comprehension.  Not even the most recent DX-Peditions who
have uploaded all there logs are showing up.  As a result
confirmations will not show either.  I certainly hope that
some DX-ers don't get bumped from the Honor Roll because of
this slow down in accreditation.  LOTW used to be very fast
and now it is so slow to almost not be worth the money
charged for the service.

I complained in past posts about the lack of fairness in the
ARRL 160 Meter Contest for not treating the U.S. Territories
as DX, no not even KP1 or KP5, none.  But with the ARRL 10
Meter contest that followed, stations located in the U.S.
Territories are indeed DX as it should be.  Why in the world
won't anyone on the CAC or at HQ realize that there is no
acceptable reason for not correcting this problem. or if
there is they aren't saying.

I struggle to find out who is responsible for prohibiting
this correction. HQ tells me to write the CAC members and
the CAC members tell me they have no power to do anything
unless they are "tasked" by those in command at HQ.  I see
how easy it was to give Ontario more sections and even in
the ARRL 10 Meter Contest you get multipliers by working
"Mexican" states that nobody knows about, that some how
found relevance...I don't know how this is logically done
but someone must have the way to make things happen at HQ.
I presume that there are some fundemental democratic
principles that would allow for debate fo this topic so I
can make my case on behalf of the much malighed U.S.
Territories in the structure of this contest's rules.

If you know what to do.  Please let me know.


Herb Schoenbohm, KV4FZ
It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever 
for supposing it is true. - Bertrand Russell

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