On Sun, 2012-12-30 at 20:53 -0500, Guy Olinger K2AV wrote:
> The characteristics of #12 THHN and such vary all over the map.  It is not
> being made for use at RF.  The insulation not only changes the velocity
> factor, but it also adds loss.  This too varies all over the map.
> Wireman has various wires with UV resistant black PE insulation.  That
> stuff seems to be predictable and stable.  I personally don't know of any
> THHN with PE insulation.  YMMV, of course.  Neither of the guys at Home
> Depot and Lowes have any idea what I'm talking about if I mention PE
> insulation.  Apparently plastic is plastic  :>).
> 73, Guy

I got my THHN at the depot and the guys in there told me I can't have
grey wire. Grey wire is not on the agenda for wiring appliances. I hope
they don't come here to investigate THHN abuse! I um... didn't use in an

Now lets see about this wireman guy. I'll try Google first.


Bill  KU8H

Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge coming on December 29th.

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