Is anyone using these ruggedized Freescale LDMOS transistors in any new amplifier designs?


Mike N2MS


We should understand the You-tube videos and things about 40:1 SWR at full power we see or read are all marketing showmanship and hype.

The Freescale LDMOS FET's are virtually the same performance as the old Motorola TMOS devices, and any device they sell has to be duty cycle, voltage, and/or SWR limited or it will fail.

The Freescale demonstration video, and their specs, are for pulsed non-linear applications. Something with high duty cycle, or with SSB or CW, is different. In the 1990's, I designed a medical device with two MRF150's that ran over 1000 watts pulse output at HF. It could tolerate a shorted load, open load, or anything in between for hours. It had no SWR protection, except for the anemic power supply needed for pulsed duty cycle and AGC from a forward output power sensor that always held forward power at the FDA allowed peak power rating. I suppose Motorola could have advertised 1000 watts from a MRF151 Gemini pack into any SWR. :-)

There is a big difference between the real world, where heat and peak voltage are issues, and a marketing department's pulsed power video or creative specmanship.

If you really ran full rated power on the device in a normal duty cycle communications system, it would need protection for SWR and temperature like any other device or it would fail. Even a 2:1 SWR can kill an unprotected device. Also, the power rating for linear clean SSB is about 70% of what they claim, because they are giving class C ratings (that's why efficiency is so high). Things are not so rose colored when you read and understand the data sheet.

73 Tom
Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge coming on December 29th.

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