> After watching and drooling over the reports of the past few days
> where the mainland is working DX like 20 meters,  the propagation
> gods have moved to the Pacific.

Nice! Interesting that it took a couple days to reach you. Monday had the
best conditions here in Oregon. It was definitely not boring ... noise was
about 10 dB lower than normal and signals were big. SP3DOI was pounding in
so loud he could have been a local. I heard about 12 or 14 EU countries at
my modest station that night. Wish I could have logged more of them amid
the feeding frenzy that ensued, but after 3 years of not hearing a single
EU it was a real thrill to work three old ones and four new ones.

This followed a couple weeks after another of those events where the
critical frequency went below 3.5 MHz and we lost local communications on
80 meters. That happened just two evenings in December. The last time
before that was back in Dec `09 when 80 stayed that way for weeks on end.
It was so bad then that one of my net control stations quit!

73, Carl WS7L
Topband Reflector

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